시간 | 장소 | 해당 연령 및 학년 | 담당사역자 |
고등부 2부 오전 9시 15분 제자훈련 3부 오전 11시 30분 에즈마이야 금요집회 오후 8시 |
사랑올림픽센터 2층 고등부실 | High School(9-12 Grade) |
HOME is a place where you can find Love, People, and the Kingdom present through the family around us. Our goal of our ministry is to that manifest through lives of our community members.
THE LOVE Our vision is quite simple it is to “Love” relentlessly to each other and to God. This is the greatest commandment that God has given us to not only to carry out, but to be known by. We hope you can experience a measure of this love through our community.
THE PEOPLE We exist to “love people back to life” through our practice of community. We believe that this God’s highest intention for us and his people. For we are commanded to “love one another, as he have loved us.”
THE KINGDOM Our purpose is to see His Kingdom to reign on earth as it is in Heaven. To raise a generation of believers who are passionate about living out God’s purpose and plan for their lives.
*예배 후 연령별 바이블 클럽이 있습니다.