
12 월 20 일 예배

페이지 정보


In light of the final month of 2015


There has been a need for unity with in the LA Sarang Youth ministry

The High School and Junior High School ministry will be praising together, will be worshiping together and learning from God's word together.

The hope is that we would be united under one banner of Christ and we will be one family in the Kingdom of God.

This was the vision and the purpose behind the two joint services of 12/20 and 12/27 the two sundays leading directly up to retreat.

And our EM Pastor, Pastor John preached about Immanuel, and how God is with us!

Please continue to pray for our ministries! They are our future!

Please continue to pray for our LA Sarang Winter Retreat! (27th-30th 2015)