11월 8일 중등부 예배 (11/6금요예배
페이지 정보
This Sunday we continued our discussion on creation.
The scripture came from the first chapter of Genesis,
and supporting texts were from Mark 10 and Revelations 21.
The title of the message was "It was very good," and the key phrase
was the goodness of God. Through the passage we covered that
1. God created everything good! In fact he saw and it was very good!
2. God is good. It is his character. (Mark 10:18 Jesus says no one is good, only God is good.)
3. God is creating us anew! He is making us like his Son Jesus! Behold we are a new creation in Jesus Christ. Not only that, but he is creating again!
In the new heavens and new earth there will be no more death!
Upcoming events
11/15 - Creation Seminar (창조과학 세미나)- Elementary Rm 12:30 - 3pm
11/22 - Outdoor Service/ Thanksgiving Potluck - Virgil Middle Schl. Football field 11am-1:30pm
FRIDAY NIGHT SERVICE - Thank you so much parents! for amazing food and
for the prayerful support!